Tuesday, November 5, 2013

2nd Day Things...

I am making a list of awesome things I have discovered since staying at home in my new mom role and since Tuesdays are so great and the second day of the week (...and the day after a dreaded Monday) lets start the list...
  1. Christmas is around the corner and Thanksgiving is that much closer! Get started sprucing up the house with awesome decorations from West Elm, I've already hung a strand of felt knot garland from the mantel... I plan on putting big burlap bows on both ends at Christmas time!
  2. Dump Cake! Gots to have a Dump Cake around the holidays. I learned this recipe from my Mom and was my go-to cake recipe in college; It just so happens to be the best and easiest cake bake. (1) can cherry pie filling, (1) can chunk pineapple, and a white or yellow box cake mix prepared the same way you would to make the cake. Mix it all together and its crazy amazing!
  3. The Bob Revolution jogging stroller. I haven't yet bought it, but I polled to see what is the best jogging stroller and everyone unanimously said this was the one to get. I tried jogging yesterday (with my Graco Click Connect stroller) for maybe the 3rd time since baby was born and it was such an amazing feeling to sprint up hills and push him at the same time. It was a full body workout. Cant wait to get the jogger!
  4. Gift Time! Whether its for your self or to give as a present, I just ordered for myself a new ipad case and got it monogrammed with my initials. You can pick the thread color and the font! Super cute and necessary to protect your prized electronics! West Elm really is awesome this year with home décor, furnishings and gifts!
Ps- While cleaning out my desk at work, I found a $5 Starbucks gift card which means I will definitely be stopping by to get a red cup filled with holiday good-ness aka pumpkin spiced latte (decaf/no whipped cream)

:o) Cheers!

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