Tuesday, June 2, 2009

House Hunting

So, we're looking for a place to live. Today we gave our 60 day notice to move out of our apartment and move on. We're hoping the rates at our current complex stay the low price they are so we can just stay at the same complex and just move to a bigger apartment. But we searched on craigslist last night and found some really cool lofts on the inner loop that looks so very cool. I cant stand carpet any more, its something i have really moved on from and will never be an amenity. I want wood or stained concrete floors. To me thats my upgrade. We'll do the looking this weekend. I'm excited.

Another milestone... my car hit 100,000 miles. How insane is that. I have an old lady car now. It used to be this hot sports car that had a great sterio system and it was so clean. Now its covered in dust and dirty window film and has paint dings all over it. Its actually a truely used car now. I have used it well and well. Maybe after it truely dies then i will look for another one. I have a few prospects, (suv) that i love love love... just happens to be a few thousand dollars more than i am willing or am able to spend. Its wishful thinking for now.

Until next time.

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