So the past few weeks/month have been quite stressful and really just down right frustrating. The economy has (almost) been succesful at destroying my drive to do my profession. We have slowed down significantly. even though theres been such effort to market the job force, its just been slow. We just recently started picking up speed, where i'm not cleaning up the office, i'm actually putting my hard earned profession to work. Its amazing the feeling you get when you get to put your brain to work. Where you get to think hard about solving a problem and strategizing the best way to arrange an office to make it work in the least amount of space possible. I love what i do. I realized that after being really bored by doing nothing for so long... that once you get busy again, and other people are paying you a lot of money to put together a 200 person office in 5 weeks... thats some awesome pressure.
Even still i have to check my favorite website, to see if anything has changed since the morning. Its a break in my day (even for 30 seconds) to check that website. Its like it re-charges my batteries and gets me going again. Seeing photos of wedding flowers, design and happy faces, its like the best refresher for me to get back to focusing again if i get too bogged down with what i was working on. Now if only we can get back to 40 hours and spread out all the new work rather than cramming it into a 35 hour week. Here is a new awesome photo from that website that i just fell in love with.... Pure, beautiful love. 
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