this past week i had surgery on my foot to remove my bunion!! It was a little out of the blue that i decided to do it, but i figured i dont have children, i dont have personal issues, i dont live on the third floor of an apartment so i can handle having only one working leg for a while. So Tuesday morning i had my bunion removed! And now tomorrow i'm going to visit my doc to see about when i'm getting my pin and stitches taken out. It looks (from what i can see under my bandage) really bruised and purple, i'm really not looking forward to seeing stitches and a metal pin sticking out of my foot. But i'm excited to see if theres much difference in how it looks, i hope so.
I've just been at home googling couture wedding dresses and well, anything wedding b/c its an industry i adore and love and cant wait to actually dive two feet in to plan my own, that kept me pretty pre-occupied while marc studyed and went to work/school. I could be doing that for another week b/c they might tell me it could be another week before i go back to work (pin has to come out before i go back to work). And my lovely old college roomate volunteered to give me a ride to work every day! What a blessing for her to pick me up. :o) So all is well until i hear about my foot at the doc's tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
College Football
This past weekend started the opening day of college football season. Marc and I went up to Austin to help twin brother move into his new apartment and get him organized. Being that its Labor day weekend, we decided to come back on Sunday so we'd have all of Monday to chill out and have a day to ourselves. Well its all been grocery shopping and laundry, which is great b/c its been a really long time since i've washed clothes. I feel like i get organized all over again when i do laundry b/c what gets washed has to be put away, and that always makes getting organized happen.
The tailgate for the game was great though. We saw a few people from a few years back and got to chat it up a bit and say hello. Because we didnt have tickets to the game, we went to Cain and Ables to watch some of the game and then went back to nick's apt to watch the US soccer game. Marc decided that was more important than the football game and i was all for it. i was exhausted from moving nick into his apt. So i fell asleep while marc watched the soccer game. All in all it was a nice weekend... wish i could have sat by the pool the whole weekend but i think it turned out pretty good.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wedding and Birthday Weekend
This past weekend was awesome! My family came in town to visit for my late birthday and my friends wedding. I took off two days of work and paled around with my mom and dad and had a normal (hang out with your family) weekend. We played on the floor with Maddie and took naps, and watched stupid SNL video's on and just chilled. It was so great. Melissa's wedding was so great b/c we got to meet the family she's joining into and hear about how much they just love her like she was their own daughter. It was amazing to hear the gratitude and love come from a whole family about one person. I only wish to be spoken about out loud like that when its time for me to get married. It was all wonderful.
Stayed the night at a hotel with the other bridesmaids b/c we had a 6am hair appointment. The lady doing hair was coming to our hotel to do hair and make up so we were up bright and early. It felt like i was getting ready for a cheerleading competition. We had our matching "bridesmaid" tanks on and it felt like we were a team! :o) I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend. The bride was beautiful and the groom was adorable.
Stayed the night at a hotel with the other bridesmaids b/c we had a 6am hair appointment. The lady doing hair was coming to our hotel to do hair and make up so we were up bright and early. It felt like i was getting ready for a cheerleading competition. We had our matching "bridesmaid" tanks on and it felt like we were a team! :o) I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend. The bride was beautiful and the groom was adorable.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Inspiration Boards
Ok, so i got bored and saw that people make "inspiration boards" for weddings or birthday parties or other events, to gather thoughts and create a color palette and schemes for design. I decided i could totally make one, even without photoshop. i used extreme talent in power point presentation design to create a few of my own Inspiration Boards for weddings... Here they are... 

these are a few of my favorite things...

these are a few of my favorite things...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Finally Busy at Work.
So the past few weeks/month have been quite stressful and really just down right frustrating. The economy has (almost) been succesful at destroying my drive to do my profession. We have slowed down significantly. even though theres been such effort to market the job force, its just been slow. We just recently started picking up speed, where i'm not cleaning up the office, i'm actually putting my hard earned profession to work. Its amazing the feeling you get when you get to put your brain to work. Where you get to think hard about solving a problem and strategizing the best way to arrange an office to make it work in the least amount of space possible. I love what i do. I realized that after being really bored by doing nothing for so long... that once you get busy again, and other people are paying you a lot of money to put together a 200 person office in 5 weeks... thats some awesome pressure.
Even still i have to check my favorite website, to see if anything has changed since the morning. Its a break in my day (even for 30 seconds) to check that website. Its like it re-charges my batteries and gets me going again. Seeing photos of wedding flowers, design and happy faces, its like the best refresher for me to get back to focusing again if i get too bogged down with what i was working on. Now if only we can get back to 40 hours and spread out all the new work rather than cramming it into a 35 hour week. Here is a new awesome photo from that website that i just fell in love with.... Pure, beautiful love. 
Monday, June 29, 2009
Another Monday...
Ok, so its Monday again... I wonder if i'll ever get out of that feeling when monday rolls around, that "i want to call in sick" feeling. But i have to remember the best part of monday is that the week is already started and slowly making its way to Friday... plus, the Bachelorette comes on TV on mondays. I love that show b/c i think this bachelorette is a really normal person. And theres an Austin and Dallas guy on the show. Texas is really well represented on this show. But i hate how they make Texas people sound crazy hick-ish and super country. Like why did the one texas guy have to be a country singer... there are plenty of austin people who dont play country music. Why couldnt they pick and engineer or a business man, or commercial realestate appraiser. When you think of Texas you automatically think of country and country music. So what did Bachelorette do...they pick a guy from texas who plays country music, completely unoriginal. Thats just what i think.
So other than it being Monday, i got my car back and the head lights were pointing in crazy directions so i had to take it back and wait an hour and a half to get it fixed... i mean, a $500 deductible and 9 days should get you head lights that face the right direction, right? Oh and i found out like 3 of my friends got engaged over the weekend. I think this age is a total phenomenon. Its amazing how many people can make so many or actually only one really big decision all at the same time. Its amazing. Maybe when my time comes (haha, sounds like a sentencing) i'll get it. But for now, its time to chill with the one you love (b/c life couldnt be that different after you get a ring on your finger). Who knows..
I'm psyched we're about to get rain... 2nd time in 40 days. wow.
The most successful church at marrying people and not getting divorced (Fourth Presby Church in Chicago Illinois)
So other than it being Monday, i got my car back and the head lights were pointing in crazy directions so i had to take it back and wait an hour and a half to get it fixed... i mean, a $500 deductible and 9 days should get you head lights that face the right direction, right? Oh and i found out like 3 of my friends got engaged over the weekend. I think this age is a total phenomenon. Its amazing how many people can make so many or actually only one really big decision all at the same time. Its amazing. Maybe when my time comes (haha, sounds like a sentencing) i'll get it. But for now, its time to chill with the one you love (b/c life couldnt be that different after you get a ring on your finger). Who knows..
I'm psyched we're about to get rain... 2nd time in 40 days. wow.
Friday, June 26, 2009
I Hit a Car...

...on Monday. It was just ridiculous. I had my first accident and it wasnt even something to really talk about. I hit a car b/c i was paying attention and got to feel the words of my mother saying, "Put space between you and the car in front of you". It was a big neon sign that said those words right after i hit the guy. And i knew i did wrong and accepted full responsibility for the crash. His car was fine, mine on the other hand was not. Fortunately everything that was already wrong with my car was damaged from the wreck so i knew i would get it all fixed up and vitually get a brand new car back after it got fixed. So after i hit the guy i drove right to the chevy dealer to get an estimate and the car guy determinded it was 65% totaled. I felt awesome. I wish i could have said someone else was driving my car so i wouldnt look like the dumb blonde that just hit a guy. Seriously, you really feel shitty when you not only know you hit a car but that you didnt do damange to their car, only yours! I hurt my car, no one else did and i have to live with that, well my insurance company has to live it it. So anyways, car is in the shop getting fixed and re-painted (all the hail bumps in my hood for the Great San Marcos Hail Storm of 2005 will be gone!!) I now have a pretty cute Chevy Cobalt to drive around in. I'm really not used to normal cars (i.e. non bucket seats). I can see everything sitting in a normal seat, its almost amazing how i drive in my camaro and can actually see when i drive b.c i sit so low. So after i get my car back and is all pretty, i will probably sell if for the awesome trade in value its worth and get a new one. ... stay tuned for that one!
So Marc and I did in fact find an apartment. It was one whole day of apt searching and finding out how stinkin expensive the "inner loop" of Houston really is. But we were good shoppers and found an awesome deal near hermann park and is a great location between the med center and downtown for the two of us. Super excited, although the evil menice of carpet still lurks. (grrr...) Oh well, you take what you get and live with it. Thats why i own a Bissell Carpet cleaner.
An upcoming Holiday... the 4th of July is just next week and guess what? The planner that i am has no plans. How is that possible you ask... ?? Well, i just dont give a flip anymore about planning for semi-celebritory holidays. I mean dont get me wrong, the 4th of July is one of my favorites, right up there with Halloween and Easter... but its so hard now to coordinate austin friends with Houston friends, with parents and siblings... b/c none of them live in the same city. My people are EvERyWHerE! Its getting crazy now figuring out schedules and convenient times for "the group". I guess we'll take it for what it is and just do something simple, add some beer and a camera and we've got ourselves a party. haha. Sounds so college to say that but thats how easy it is. Anyways, most likely go to Austin, float the river in Gruene, then watch the fire works in Zilker Park (not on the side of Mopac like last yr with all the ants!) I just like to listen to the symphony play all our patriotic songs with the fireworks. Simple i tell you, thats the name of my game. Want to play??
(photo is me and marc on the 4th last yr, on the side of mopac, getting eaten by ants!)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
House Hunting
So, we're looking for a place to live. Today we gave our 60 day notice to move out of our apartment and move on. We're hoping the rates at our current complex stay the low price they are so we can just stay at the same complex and just move to a bigger apartment. But we searched on craigslist last night and found some really cool lofts on the inner loop that looks so very cool. I cant stand carpet any more, its something i have really moved on from and will never be an amenity. I want wood or stained concrete floors. To me thats my upgrade. We'll do the looking this weekend. I'm excited.
Another milestone... my car hit 100,000 miles. How insane is that. I have an old lady car now. It used to be this hot sports car that had a great sterio system and it was so clean. Now its covered in dust and dirty window film and has paint dings all over it. Its actually a truely used car now. I have used it well and well. Maybe after it truely dies then i will look for another one. I have a few prospects, (suv) that i love love love... just happens to be a few thousand dollars more than i am willing or am able to spend. Its wishful thinking for now.
Until next time.
Another milestone... my car hit 100,000 miles. How insane is that. I have an old lady car now. It used to be this hot sports car that had a great sterio system and it was so clean. Now its covered in dust and dirty window film and has paint dings all over it. Its actually a truely used car now. I have used it well and well. Maybe after it truely dies then i will look for another one. I have a few prospects, (suv) that i love love love... just happens to be a few thousand dollars more than i am willing or am able to spend. Its wishful thinking for now.
Until next time.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Simply Un-Fooled Around With
This past weekend i went to Austin and saw a few people i hadnt in a really long time. Plus it was with a group of people that will allow me to drink more in one weekend then I probably ever would naturally in a whole year. So i take that as my one chance to endulge cheap beer and then move on, get back to working out and working. Whats wierd is that my whole life i have this "out of body" experience when i'm not actually in the moment. This sounds nutty, but its like i can step out of the situation and observe whats going on from an outsiders point of view. Its like i'm watching myself and whats going on from a birds eye view. Then when i assess the situation i find it pointless (like drinking beer with ridiculous people) and then think how i could be doing so many other productive things and actually drinking something good for me, rather than bring me down and adding fatness all over my body. beer does not do a body good.
i always wondered how so many girls, like many i went to college with could drink soo much beer and never get fat. i rationalize this by how many hours their sorority made them work out after a social. good thing i just skipped the party and just worked out at the rec instead of being told to "step out of my comfort zone" when really i was recognizing from my "out of body" perspective that doing what they're doing was, in my point of view, a waste of time. I'm just that girl who will drink and be the one getting caught for doing something "illegal" and everyone else will run away. but whatever. i always felt like i should have been born many more years before i was actually born. i feel like a much older version of my real age. i'm the "responsible one".
ok so enough of my subconcious coming out and ruining the blog...
i've started to think i need another something extra to keep me busy in my extra 5 hours a week and weekends i'm not getting in my "full time job" (i.e, thanks economy). So i've become border line obcessed with weddings lately. Its actually a 3 year compultion in the making. theres something about the wedding industry thats so facinating to me. getting engaged seems (according to the many websites and blogs i've read) thats its seemingly one of the most monumental times in a couples life, let alone getting married. I cant decide if its ridiculous, all the hipe wrapped around the occasion or if its really the most wonderful, fabulous time ever. i suppose when i get engaged and married i will truely understand the emotion behind it all, but its something i would rather be "behind the scenes" for than have to do it as a front runner. well, rather just be behind the scenes first, then be the front runner. Anyways... here is a beautiful cake i found online, lovely huh... 

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Holy Cow!
Wow, its been some time! Almost a year, i think i actually had to change my password b/c i forgot my password to sign in. So, livin in houston and workin like a dog. Seems thats what you're supposed to do when you're not married and 25, huh? So whats been going on with me, you ask!? My sister just got engaged and I am now the un-official wedding planner and i couldnt be more thrilled. I'm so excited to put all my o.c.d. to use in an industry i just adore. I dont know why weddings are so intriguing to me, maybe its the fact that its a party for two people, just b.c they love each other. What a great thing to celebrate! I'm also taking my professional exam in april to become a licensed interior designer. so maybe after i get that nifty little number and 4 letter acronym, i'll become a licensed wedding and event planner. Maybe if i could just try to get as many accrediations as i can then i'll be that much cooler a person. So Marc is almost done with his first year of grad school, and has one more to go. I couldnt be more proud of one person because he's paying for the whole thing himself, making straight A's and still manages to make me dinner every now and then. He's an amazing human being and i couldnt be more lucky to have him as my own.

Life is good, Love is great and Living this lovely life is such a joy!
XO- Lindsey
Life is good, Love is great and Living this lovely life is such a joy!
XO- Lindsey
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