Monday, September 30, 2013

Post Baby Body

Gaining weight is part of the getting pregnant game, I knew it would happen but I was totally blown away with how far you can get in to a pregnancy and not gain much weight ( I only gained 9lbs at 20 weeks)... And then you hit a turning point and you literally just pack on the pounds. Right after I hit the third trimester I gained around 6-8lbs every two weeks for about a month (- again, blown away). I would almost get mad at the nurse adjusting the scale at my dr appointments bc my weight was literally leaping across the scale in the heavier direction. My OB didn't want me to gain more than 25-35lbs and I balanced out at 32lbs total because I lost a few pounds towards the end (I literally couldn't breath and eat at the same time, I was that big.)

Baby was 8lbs 7oz at birth and I was 151 pounds on delivery day.  The goal weight now is 115lbs (I was 119lbs at 7 weeks pregnant.) And today im 126lbs! woohoo!

I finally bought a scale with the intention of keeping track of baby's weight gain, but I figured I can keep track of my weight too. I'm slowly getting back into a small workout routine. Basically taking walks in the morning and doing lunges and leg lifts, all while pushing the stroller. Every day I feel like very little changes are happening and that's good enough for now.
Before and After Baby Boy

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

During the Day with Baby

What is it I do all day long? Well, I've just gotten down a semi-good routine of how to go about the day, and keep me and the baby happy... as well as fitting in must-do important things like dr appt's or grocery shopping. I have to think about this stuff a day in advance so im prepared. We start out by waking up around 5 or 6am for a baby breakfast feeding that usually lasts about an hour. I call nursing Breakfast, lunch or Dinner. (Nursing sounds so graphic. His diapers are also his Shorts. Rarely are they a diaper, they are shorts.) I hope that after eating baby gets a little tired so I can put him in the car seat and we can get out of the house for a walk around the neighborhood. For now this is my only form of exercise for the day which is fine b/c I'm still feeling a little sore from the delivery (6 weeks recovery, my bew-ttocks!). I just got cleared to exercise by I have numbness on my right hip and possibly a cracked tail bone, got a neurologist apt coming up to get it checked out. Before we get out the door I make oatmeal with slices of banana in a to-go bowl and put in the holder of the stroller so I can get in breakfast while walking, all while also holding the leash of our precious baby Maltese, Maddie, b/c I cant leave her inside while we go walking - cant trade one baby for another.  This all sounds so simple, but mornings are kind of a toss up. I get thrown curve balls ever so often (a blow-out diaper which usually means a emergency bath for baby), and then I get a shower when there's time... hopefully before 9 or 10am. Most of the day is all about getting baby fed before he starts screamin', and at least two naps. I keep reading how a baby who naps well, will sleep really well at night time so getting two naps in during the day makes him pretty happy. We just got him to a 5hr stretch, but that only happened one time. I'm happy with 4 for now really. :o)

one month
 GliderElephantBaby Throw
One Month Old Conor

Friday, September 13, 2013

We had a baby!

Well on August 8 I was induced and after 2 hours of pushing like a crazy lady, we had our big baby boy! Conor Patrick was born at 7:42pm on a Thursday, weighing 8lbs 6oz. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. Marc was my coach and left leg holder, he was amazing. I kept thinking about how Conor would come out, and I was just hoping I could get him out. I didn't know my body could do what it did to get him into the world. They put a mirror down there, kinda wished they hadn't. It's unreal what that area looks like when delivering a baby. It's all very real! We couldn't be happier to have this cuddle bug, the best thing my husband and I have ever done together.  He's 5 weeks old as of yesterday and it's like the first 3 weeks never happened. I almost don't even remember it.