Wow, its been some time! Almost a year, i think i actually had to change my password b/c i forgot my password to sign in. So, livin in houston and workin like a dog. Seems thats what you're supposed to do when you're not married and 25, huh? So whats been going on with me, you ask!? My sister just got engaged and I am now the un-official wedding planner and i couldnt be more thrilled. I'm so excited to put all my o.c.d. to use in an industry i just adore. I dont know why weddings are so intriguing to me, maybe its the fact that its a party for two people, just b.c they love each other. What a great thing to celebrate! I'm also taking my professional exam in april to become a licensed interior designer. so maybe after i get that nifty little number and 4 letter acronym, i'll become a licensed wedding and event planner. Maybe if i could just try to get as many accrediations as i can then i'll be that much cooler a person. So Marc is almost done with his first year of grad school, and has one more to go. I couldnt be more proud of one person because he's paying for the whole thing himself, making straight A's and still manages to make me dinner every now and then. He's an amazing human being and i couldnt be more lucky to have him as my own.

Life is good, Love is great and Living this lovely life is such a joy!
XO- Lindsey